Able to contact decision makers and make appointments
Knows sales techniques
Can work with competitors
Can work with objections
Has a networking background
Can close deals, has things to learn
610 - 1020 $
Senior tomato
From 6 years in sales
Knows how to do everything
Strong deal closing skills
Skills in getting more than one person involved in a deal
Business expertise
Productive networking
Wants lots of money for lots of productive work
820 - 1230 $
Cherry tomato
At least 1 year in sales
Able to find decision makers
Knows basic sales techniques
References from last job
Self-studies in sales, reads literature
Develops his or her network from scratch
Burning eyes, rolling out skills with a mentor
610 $
Kumato tomato
At least 3 years in sales
Able to contact decision makers and make appointments
Knows sales techniques
Can work with competitors
Can work with objections
Has a networking background
Can close deals, has things to learn
610 - 1020 $
Senior tomato
From 6 years in sales
Knows how to do everything
Strong deal closing skills
Skills in getting more than one person involved in a deal
Business expertise
Productive networking
Wants lots of money for lots of productive work
820 - 1230 $
50% after the candidate gets to work, and 50% after the candidate has passed your trial period (no change)
100% after the candidate gets to work (1 change)
Assemble your set
Calculate the approximate cost
Assemble your set
Calculate the approximate cost
Thank you! Data sent successfully.
Why are we lower
than the market?
Who says the cost can't be lower
than everyone else's?
Who says the rate has to be in the number of salaries and/or high %?
We are happy to help.
Good companies are looking for good sales managers. We are happy to help them find each other.
A good reputation
IF YOU WORK A LOT, YOU GET A LOT OF CLIENTS: A warm attitude on both sides = great income and a good reputation No one does it better than us, so word of mouth is growing our client base
Steady rate
Further - more If we raise the price, it means we've been captured (It could be coo-coo-competitors - call the police!)
We are happy to help
Good companies are looking for good sales managers. We are happy to help them find each other.
A good reputation
IF YOU WORK A LOT, YOU GET A LOT OF CLIENTS: A warm attitude on both sides = great income and a good reputation No one does it better than us, so word of mouth is growing our client base
Steady rate
Further - more If we raise the price, it means we've been captured (It could be coo-coo-competitors - call the police!)
A Secret for Our People Only
Any project that needs
a strong salesperson
Any specialized
staffing agency
*how we can help
*what path we'll take and what format we'll choose
*who we can already recommend
We have a secret that only our customers can know. Become a customer - learn the secret
We've been running several commercial blocks for more than 10 years. We assemble teams, and sometimes we meet strong sales managers: they just don't fit the specifics of the business, or they want to consider another direction for themselves
A Secret for Our People Only
Any project that needs
a strong salesperson
Any specialized
staffing agency
*how we can help
*what path we'll take and what format we'll choose
*who we can already recommend
We have a secret that only our customers can know. Become a customer - learn the secret
We've been running several commercial blocks for more than 10 years. We assemble teams, and sometimes we meet strong sales managers: they just don't fit the specifics of the business, or they want to consider another direction for themselves
We form a portfolio and show you how it can be. We know exactly who should take responsibility for accomplishing your goals.
A good team leader is like a tomato in a summer salad - he or she will refresh the team, update the records and blow up the KPIs. So that if you make gazpacho, it should be fresh and bright!
To give your assessment of potential and recommendations for upgrading your team. (Ordering an audit gives a discount for the first three candidates.)